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You can stay in Tony Stark’s cabin from ‘Avengers: Endgame’ on Airbnb for $800 a night

06.17.2019 · Posted in Technology Articles
Sorry, but Robert Downey Jr. is not included.  Tony Stark's digs can now be yours— for a couple of nights at least. An Airbnb listing for the cabin that was used in the filming of Avengers: Endgame recently came out of the woodwork. It's advertising the house for a cool $800 a night. However, before it was discovered, it was a lot cheaper. After Redditor Brayud posted the listing, Entertainment Weekly reached out to confirm that it was indeed the same cabin. The owners apparently then hiked the price from $335 a night after they realized how in demand it could be, given the nature of Avengers super fans, according to AVClubRead more... More about Airbnb, Vacation, Cabin, Avengers, and Tony Stark

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