Will Water Fuel Cells Change The World
Currently, the globe is experiencing major difficulties trying to find ways to conserve energy sources which in turn will not harm the environment. Water fuel cells were developed several years ago, and kept quiet by those energy providing powers which are making a huge amount of money. The water fuel cells were created to use water as a method of fuel for vehicles and to replace the current use of gasoline.nnEnergy sources currently used for fueling the economical work horses such as tractor and trailers and other motorized sources runs completely on fuel made from petroleum, which is why the wars are happening in the middle east. With the world in a tizzy, because there are lives of good, strong, young American men and women because of fuel sources, someone took it upon themselves to create a better source of energy.nnHowever, the concept after much experimenting had a positive outcome. Therefore, the inventor decided if a small gas powered motor could operate to the fullest factory potential, in deed so could larger gas powered motors.nnWater fuel cells theories have been operating personal equipment for a number of years prior to the popularity of the global warming issues revealing themselves in the tabloids. Sometimes the media runs out of things to write about, and they create illusions. These subjects are categorized as illusions because when people take action and create actual working plans, they, similar to the water fuel cells creation do not get into circulation because of political discriminations.nnWater fuel cells which can be installed and can operate most gas powered motors use water. With the ocean levels rising, causing the temperature of the globe to increase, then simply use the excess water of the ocean to provide water to be used in the water fuel cells. The exhaust from these types of energy sources will not pollute the air, in turn will return the much needed clean water evaporation needed to keep the greenhouse effect pure.nnThere are many people working behind the scenes, trying to copy the technique of the deceased individual which created the water fuel cells concept. Thus far, there has been a few successes, but the concept has not been copied according to the original details, which is causing some problems with the whole technique. Then there is the problem of selling the concept to big motor corporations, that have recently closed, or restructured causing the unemployment rate to skyrocket.nnAs long as the water fuel cells are brought into the current situation other alternative sources will benefit from these introductions. There needs to be a positive group of people to stick together and bring all these creations and inventions into a way of life as soon as possible.