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Which Baby Pushchair – Face The Baby Or Not?

09.23.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Recently there has been much in the press regarding the issue or whether to face the baby or not to face the baby when you are pushing him or her down the local high street. Research has shown that you should be facing your baby, and should you not oblige then you could actually be harming your baby emotionally. The conventional forward facing baby position leads to stress the mad professors say. How on earth are our kids supposed to learn from what is going on around them if they are forever staring at mummy and daddy making faces and silly voices, I am sure to a child this would eventually become stressful. Let’s not forget that when you are looking at your child you are not concentrating on where you are going.nnI mean, don’t our kids get enough of us at home, babies propped up to face us as we settle in for a night in front of the tv, or huddled over them for hours as they squirm in their cots ? We bathe them, feed them, cloth them, put them to bed, so why is it so important to face them when we are out shopping. Maybe science is taking a break.nnI can well understand that a child may feel more secure if he or she is facing the friendliest trusted face in their world, but at the same time, are they not getting bored? I thought a child’s formative years were its most absorbing, in terms of information gathering and learning. The over used analogy is that they are just like a sponge, well I don’t want my child to only sponge up my face and voice. He should be sitting on the wheeled throne gazing out into his brave new world, soaking up the hustle and bustle of the high street. nnThe study also claims that a child has double the chance of drifting off to sleep if they are facing you, and a lower heart rate. My diagnosis of this is that the child was most likely bored and thus fell asleep. I think that a raised heart rate is a good reaction, it means you are excited by what you see. nnScience claims that you should be making sure you have a baby pushchair or pram that allows the child to face you, I say different. Either way, the pushchair market has the options depending on who you agree with, for me it’s a straightforward Buggy (with lie flat facility with a newborn), allowing my child to experience the world, for science its a traditional pram, and for those of you that want a bit of both then you can’t go wrong with a 2-in-1 Pushchair, which normally allows the seat unit to be forward or rear facing, depending on your mood. nnI wish you luck in your quest, and do what best suits you and your child.

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