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What Are Water Fuel Cells

09.06.2009 · Posted in Vehicles Articles

With global warming being moved to the back burner because of economical issues taking the attention of each and every individual which resides in the United States, someone has to move this issue back to the front burner on the stove of recognition. Water fuel cells are the result of an highly intelligent individual which spent much time and money developing a concept, which just might resolve the energy deficiency issue of the world.nnThe water fuel cells hypothesis after being proven to succeed was shot down before manufacturing, due to the fact that world power energy providers did not want to lose any income.nnThere are a number of experiments developed by normal ordinary blue collar individuals on the drawing board. However, implementing these developments and transferring them from the drawing board to the market, is not so cut and dried.nnWater fuel cells theories have been operating personal equipment for a number of years prior to the popularity of the global warming issues revealing themselves in the tabloids. Sometimes the media runs out of things to write about, and they create illusions. These subjects are categorized as illusions because when people take action and create actual working plans, they, similar to the water fuel cells creation do not get into circulation because of political discriminations.nnAnyway, after the energy crisis has moved to one of the many top priority problems in the world, a man invented a way around using fossil fuels to power the machinery used to increase the economy, and died at a young age. According to sources, this man died of an unexpected medical conditions, the hindsight of the entire mess of energy conservation leads many to believe something else. There is another belief because the plans for his development were conveniently lost.nnThe greediness in the world will have to leave in order for any of the newly introduced energy saving products. Money is the only thing holding the world up from the positive much needed changes necessary for the world to push forward and preserve the entire population. Granted there are countries in which do not use motor operated equipment for anything.nnThe United States of America was founded on hard work and innovative ideas. That is why the USA has always been a world power. Currently, the power of politics has taken its toll on the USA, and therefore the operation of water fuel cells and other alternative energy sources wheels need to be put into motion immediately, regardless of the manipulative red tape which can be and needs to be cut, now.

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