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Posts Tagged ‘wisconsin’

Wisconsin Republicans want 14-year olds to serve alcohol. They can already drink it, after all.

Today I learned that in Wisconsin, minors of any age can drink in bars and restaurants with two stipulations: 1) that they're with "parents, guardians or spouses of legal drinking age," and 2) that it's cool with the establishment's licensee. Now, Repu... ...

Wisconsin Republicans want 14-year olds to serve alcohol. They can already drink it, after all.

Today I learned that in Wisconsin, minors of any age can drink in bars and restaurants with two stipulations: 1) that they're with "parents, guardians or spouses of legal drinking age," and 2) that it's cool with the establishment's licensee. Now, Repu... ...

Foxconn wants Wisconsin to keep paying it billions, but it won’t disclose what kind of factory it will build

When Donald Trump and then-Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan to give billions of dollars to the notorious Taiwanese sweatshop operator Foxconn to build a super-factory in Wisconsin, knowledgeable people were alarmed.

That's because Foxconn has a long history of defrauding governments by promising to build big ambitious factories in their territories, ...

Wisconsin commissioned an independent report on how to fix the Foxconn deal. Result: it can’t be done.

In 2017, Trump and then-Wisconsin Governor (and Koch darling) Scott Walker announced that they would give Chinese manufacturing giant $3B in taxpayer subsidies to open the only flat panel display factory in the western hemisphere (the figure quickly grew to $4.1B), despite the company's long, documented history of lying to governments, ******* ...

Foxconn promised it would do something with the empty buildings it bought in Wisconsin, but they’re still empty (still no factory, either)

The Verge's Josh Dzieza continues his outstanding coverage of Foxconn's shell-game in Wisconsin, where the company -- promised billions in subsidies and tax-breaks by former governor Scott Walker, a Koch darling, and by Trump, who used Foxconn's promise of a major new Wisconsin factory to claim his policies were working -- has lived up ...

Dear Hollywood, here are 5 female founders to showcase instead of Elizabeth Holmes

There's a seemingly insatiable demand for Theranos content. John Carrerou’s best-selling book, Bad Blood has already inspired an HBO documentary, The Inventor, an ABC podcast called The Dropout, a prestige limited series starring SNL’s Kate McKinnon was just announced, and Jennifer Lawrence is reportedly going to star in the feature film version of this ****** “true crime meets tech” tale. That’s before getting started on the ...

Acting as the data integrator between hospitals and digital health apps brings Redox $33 million

Investors have forked over $33 million in a new round of funding for Redox, hoping that the company can execute on its bid to serve as the link between healthcare providers and the technology companies bringing new digital services to market. The financing comes just two months after Redox sealed a deal with Microsoft to ...

Foxconn’s inconsistent, chaotic behavior in Wisconsin looks awfully grifty

Foxconn gave Wisconsin hard-line GOP governor Scott Walker and Donald Trump a great story to tell about the triumph of their ideology: that with enough corporate welfare, high-tech manufacturing jobs could come back to America, in the form of an LCD factory in Wisconsin that would employ 13,000 people.

Two years later, Foxconn has been ...