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Posts Tagged ‘water for gas’

Water Fuel Cell Kit For Your Car

07.27.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Many people think that water full cell kit for cars is not a very effective way to power your car, while on the contrary research shows that it's more than adequate to power you car using water. Today it's possible for you to purchase high quality water fuel cell kit for your car and save ...

Technology Of Water Fuel Cells To Power Your Car?

07.26.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

If you believe that the water fuel cell technology is not capable of the performance of your car needs to be, you may need to think again. It might acquire a paradigm shift, but we have acted, and whether you are in a place to these points to save energy and reduce the acquisition of ...

Benefits Of A Water Fuel Cell

07.26.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Did Stan Meyer have a gold mine when he first came up with the concept of water fuel cells being used in cars? Most people would tell you no, it's not a possible situation, it isn't scientifically possible. But he did drive around in a vehicle which was said to contain the water fuel cell ...

Hydrogen Gas In Cars Is On the Horizon

07.16.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

It is most likely that your car is using an ethanol-gasoline fuel blend. Ethanol, produced from corn as fuel, has been hailed as a breakthrough to reducing both American's reliance on foreign oil and dangerous greenhouse gas emissions. This is a moot point as many people claim that growing tonnes of crops to produce a ...

Run Your Car on Water and Save Big on Gas Every Month

07.03.2009 · Posted in Business News Article

As high gas prices continue to skyrocket out of control, help still does not seem to be on the horizon. No one appears to be holding these oil companies accountable, and despite the immense public outcry, it does not appear that anyone is coming to save us from these astronomical gas costs. When it costs ...

What’s Up With Recent Gas Prices ?

06.30.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Gas prices are certainly a topical issue right now. and the number one question is : will gas prices ever go down to the level they used to be a few short months ago? Even if small price cuts are possible, a return to reasonable gas prices doesn't seem probable. Given the potentially bleak outlook ...

Hydrogen For Cars Represents Way The Ahead

06.22.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

With gas prices soaring to outrageous levels every possible replacement or alternative to our dependence on fossil fuels is being closely evaluated. and this extend to the highly financed energy commissions through to the everyday consumer looking to get more mileage from their gas tank. Hydrogen for cars not only offers us the opportunity to ...

Why A Hydrogen Car Kit?

05.08.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Many large car makers have assured us that very soon hydrogen powered cars would be swamping the automobile market. While the call for clean cars has soared, the supply for the future cars has not been sufficient to meet the demands. The reason why not enough hydrogen cars can be made fast, is because of ...

I Bought Half Water Half Gas, Here’s What I Think

05.02.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Scientific study has for a long time, been involved in finding free energy sources for the automobile and though nothing epoch-making has been discovered yet, there are various ways you could optimize your car efficiency and this includes using Hydrogen gas fuel cells. although using H2O to run a car involves the chemical decomposition reaction ...

What Is A Hydrogen Conversion Kit Really About?

03.31.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

The term biofuels refers to the utilisation of organic materials and converting them into an energy source. We will be using these fuels as a substitute to the fossil fuels that we are currently depending upon for energy source. A number of products fall within the definition of biofuels including: sugar cane, ethanol, vegetable oils ...