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Posts Tagged ‘water for fuel’

Water4gas Scam – Rip-off Or Not

08.26.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

The price of the goods we need every day seems to increase every time you visit your grocery store. Inflation is on the rise for over a year now. An economic downturn and a rise in oil prices is often blamed for this state of affairs. Indeed, the upward movement of prices is no more ...

Hydrogen Gas In Cars Is On the Horizon

07.16.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

It is most likely that your car is using an ethanol-gasoline fuel blend. Ethanol, produced from corn as fuel, has been hailed as a breakthrough to reducing both American's reliance on foreign oil and dangerous greenhouse gas emissions. This is a moot point as many people claim that growing tonnes of crops to produce a ...

What’s Up With Recent Gas Prices ?

06.30.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Gas prices are certainly a topical issue right now. and the number one question is : will gas prices ever go down to the level they used to be a few short months ago? Even if small price cuts are possible, a return to reasonable gas prices doesn't seem probable. Given the potentially bleak outlook ...

Hydrogen For Cars Represents Way The Ahead

06.22.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

With gas prices soaring to outrageous levels every possible replacement or alternative to our dependence on fossil fuels is being closely evaluated. and this extend to the highly financed energy commissions through to the everyday consumer looking to get more mileage from their gas tank. Hydrogen for cars not only offers us the opportunity to ...

Run Your Car For Free!

01.23.2009 · Posted in Cars Articles

Learn how to use water to increase your car's MPG. The secrets as to how it works and why you don't know about it. Why water will make your car run better and help the environment. ...

Using Water As Fuel For Cars

10.02.2008 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Given the inexorable rise in gas prices of late, water as fuel for cars is getting a closer inspection by many people. Despite what the name might suggest, an engine that runs on water wouldn't really be running on the water itself, but instead extracting the hydrogen gas from the water to be used as ...

Is A Hydrogen Gas Saver For You ?

10.01.2008 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

If you are handy with simple basic automotive tools or have a knack for tinkering, you could be reaping the benefits of having a hydrogen gas saver installed in your car. The primary benefits of this system include increased gas mileage but given the addition on hydrogen to your fuel mix you could also expect ...

Drive with Water

09.30.2008 · Posted in Cars Articles

Water for your carrnrnThe Waternogas system that has become so popular in recent times is proving to be a highly efficient way of not only reducing your own personal gas expenses, but it is helping to create a cleaner and safer place for your kids to grow up by eliminating pollution. This technology is very ...