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Posts Tagged ‘traveling’

Is Sustainable Tourism Doing As It Promised?

10.31.2019 · Posted in Writing and Speaking

With the long back advancement of trade and barter system, it was necessarily taken as a greater potential to make sure things are in the best possible way. With the greater potential hidden in tourism, it is definitely a greater need of the hour that helps in making sure relaxation; recreation and money generation go ...

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Have Fun Holidays Or Vacations But Watch Out For Mosquitoes

11.01.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Whenever you take an air flight or luxury cruise on vacation or holiday to a tropical climate there is a possibility that you may encounter some mosquito borne diseases. The following information will help you to take measures to protect yourself. ...

What are the New Travel Laws regarding Passports for Canadians Traveling to the US?

10.29.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Since the tragic events of 911, there have been many changes to the laws when traveling from Canada to the United States. These changes are designed to enhance security between the two countries. When a Canadian travels to the US, they should be aware of the new travel laws regarding Passports. ...

Socotra Island – Isolated Natural Treasure

10.21.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

In the Indian Ocean off the Horn of Africa lies a small archipelago of four islands and islets. Although closer to Africa, the islands are part of the Republic of Yemen. The archipelago consists of the main island of Socotra and three smaller islands known collectively as The Brothers Abd al Kuri, Samhah and Darsa. ...