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Posts Tagged ‘teens’

Girl, 16 texts friends video of herself engaging in *** act. She’s a child pornographer, Maryland high court rules

In Maryland, a 16-year-old girl texted a video of herself engaging in a consensual *** act to her best friends. The highest court in Maryland has decided the girl is a child pornographer.

“For the first time, the Maryland Court of Appeals said it had to grapple with applying the state’s child *********** law to ...

Teens ‘not damaged by screen time’, new Oxford study finds

Research by Oxford University scientists finds “little evidence of a relationship between screen time and wellbeing in adolescents.” Based on data from over 17,000 teenagers, the study “casts doubt on the widely accepted notion that spending time online, gaming or watching TV, especially before bedtime, can damage young people’s mental health.”

This isn't the first time ...