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Posts Tagged ‘teenagers’

Wisconsin Republicans want 14-year olds to serve alcohol. They can already drink it, after all.

Today I learned that in Wisconsin, minors of any age can drink in bars and restaurants with two stipulations: 1) that they're with "parents, guardians or spouses of legal drinking age," and 2) that it's cool with the establishment's licensee. Now, Repu... ...

Wisconsin Republicans want 14-year olds to serve alcohol. They can already drink it, after all.

Today I learned that in Wisconsin, minors of any age can drink in bars and restaurants with two stipulations: 1) that they're with "parents, guardians or spouses of legal drinking age," and 2) that it's cool with the establishment's licensee. Now, Repu... ...

Teens ‘not damaged by screen time’, new Oxford study finds

Research by Oxford University scientists finds “little evidence of a relationship between screen time and wellbeing in adolescents.” Based on data from over 17,000 teenagers, the study “casts doubt on the widely accepted notion that spending time online, gaming or watching TV, especially before bedtime, can damage young people’s mental health.”

This isn't the first time ...

Step targets teens and parents with a no-fees mobile bank account and Visa card

A new mobile banking startup called Step wants to help bring teenagers and other young adults into the cashless era. Today, cash is used less often, as more consumers shop online and send money to one another through payment apps like Venmo. But teenagers in particular are still heavily burdened with cash — even though ...

Study: first drug more likely to be cannabis than nicotine or alcohol

When I was 12 years old, a kid that I thought was my friend but turned out to only be into me for my Nintendo, tempted me to try a little something that he snuck out of his mother's liquor cabinet. We ingested it! We were so *****! We were full of ****: we'd been ...