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Posts Tagged ‘step’

Step targets teens and parents with a no-fees mobile bank account and Visa card

A new mobile banking startup called Step wants to help bring teenagers and other young adults into the cashless era. Today, cash is used less often, as more consumers shop online and send money to one another through payment apps like Venmo. But teenagers in particular are still heavily burdened with cash — even though ...

Step Aerobics Is A Bit Different Than Your Standard Aerobics

07.21.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Looking for an aerobics program that would help you lose weight and keep you fit and in shape? You should try 'step aerobics' which is very different from other forms of aerobics. Here too various arm and leg movements, with music, are followed, but it also includes a small platform, called the 'step'. The routine ...

Build Lean Muscle With Step Aerobics

07.21.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

As an aerobics instructor, you are always looking for new ideas and moves that will help your exercise routine stay fresh. Aerobics choreography is a very pop aerobics exercise program and the aerobics steps do impact how smoothly a class is conducted, the popularity of the class and how the whole function is put together. ...