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Posts Tagged ‘scholarships’

Propublica offering diversity scholarships for students to attend 2020 journalism conferences

If you or someone you know is a US-based student interested in attending conferences such as Investigative Reporters and Editors, The National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting, or National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists, then you should consider applying for Propublica's Diversity Scholarship program, which offers $750 bursaries "to students ...

Every word Ajit Pai says about Net Neutrality is a lie, including “and” and “the”

Trump's FCC Chairman Ajit Pai rammed through an illegal Net Neutrality repeal by claiming that the Obama-era Net Neutrality rules slowed down investment in broadband, depriving Americans of fast internet.

After he killed Net Neutrality, Pai went on to claim that the ISPs had finally started investing in infrastructure build-out and maintenance.

He lied. About everything.

Under Obama's ...

Looking To Afford School

12.07.2009 · Posted in Education Articles

For countless students and perhaps more parents, finding a method to pay for school is the most frightening task in the higher education process. Luckily for a few students, college scholarships are a viable opportunity. For the rest of the students, working, loans, grants and reimbursement programs also may be accessible. ...

Government Scholarships Available For Mothers Thanks To Obama’s New Stimulus Plan

11.06.2009 · Posted in College Articles

If you are a single mom then every month you might have trouble making ends meet and paying all of your bills. Unfortunately, there never may seem a way to get ahead. Now, you may be able to change that be going to college and completing a degree program. Thanks to the government scholarships for ...