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Posts Tagged ‘ring tones’

For Whom The Ring Tones Toll

07.30.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

I am fascinated by ring tones. I spend an (supposedly) unhealthy amount of time and money listening to and downloading the latest tunes; guess it has something to my being extremely hyperactive as a child. Wonder where all that hyperactivity disappears to when my normal work is involved? I have a circle of friends who ...

I Believe in Musical Ring Tones

07.30.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Who doesn't love a favourite tune bringing back memories of school, college, the first date, first love? And the most convenient way to remember that moment or period would be to download the ring tone of a song associated with that time. Of course there could be situations where someone else's ring tone could bring ...

Ring Tones . Enough Already

07.30.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

A sudden cacophony of 4 different mobile phones starting to ring within seconds of each other inside an elevator of a 30 storey building. And 4 different ring tones . a religious shloka, the latest bit of rap, a baby screaming and a Carpenter'*****. I don't know whether to laugh or scream (mine wasn't one ...

The secret to a good text life is to have some nice free mobile wallpapers and ringtones adding spice to your phone!

04.11.2009 · Posted in Arts and Entertainment Article

Long gone are the boring old days of bleep bleep, ring ring. These days you can choose from a huge selection of free mobile wallapers and ringtones and at no cost, use them to spice up your phone. ...