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Posts Tagged ‘religion’

Secret life of high-ranking officials of Iran’s morality police exposed — leaked videos of drugs and *** ***

Ruling Islamists of Iran are furious about leaked explicit videos featuring senior clerics and government officials engaged "in compromising situation"engaging in *** ***, explicit same-*** exchange and drug use." These videos, circulating widely on so... ...

West Virginia told an atheist to participate in Christian “programming” in prison if he wanted to be eligible for parole. A federal judge told them to stop.

A federal judge in West Virginia ruled this week that the state cannot force an atheist incarcerated there to attend religious programming to be eligible for parole. Andrew Miller was given a 1-to-10 year indeterminate sentence for breaking and enterin... ...

Role of Narayan Nagbali Pandit Trimbakeshwar and Nagbali Pooja

Trimbakeshwar Temple in Maharashtra holds immense spiritual significance for devotees seeking solace, ancestral healing, and spiritual growth. The role of a Narayan Nagbali Pandit Trimbakeshwar is of utmost importance as they guide and facilitate the sacred ritual of Narayan Nagbali Pooja. This article aims to shed light on the profound role of a Narayan Nagbali ...

Mahamrityunjay Mantra Puja at Trimbakeshwar

The Mahamrityunjay Mantra is a revered ancient mantra that holds immense significance in Hindu spirituality. Derive from the Rig Veda, it is consider the most powerful mantra and is believe to possess transformative, healing energies. In this blog, we will explore the profound significance of the Mahamrityunjay Mantra. And its origins, and the remarkable benefits ...

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Priest in Italy accidentally leaves on camera’s filters during online service, hilarity ensues

An unidentified priest in Italy didn't let the coronavirus situation stop him from doing mass. He simply live-streamed the service instead. Amusingly though, he left on his camera's filters which overlayed a space helmet, some glitter, dumbbells (?), and a Walter White hat and sunglasses get-up onto his otherwise serious broadcast.

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Idiot pastor in Ohio holds Sunday service in his megachurch

In Warren County, Ohio, a state where the governor has issued a stay-at-home mandate to slow the spread of coronavirus, Solid Rock Church pastor Lawrence Bishop invited worshippers to his megachurch for in-person Sunday services yesterday. See the message below from the church's website. This is the same church where a massive Jesus statue was ...