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Posts Tagged ‘nicotine’

U-Haul decides to stop hiring nicotine users

I live in the rural Southwest, and the recent news that trucking company U-Haul has decided to stop hiring people who smoke cigarettes is a big deal around here. People with few financial options tend to be the ones who take jobs as truckers and the like; those tend to be the same populations ...

Juul gave marketing presentations to schoolchildren in the guise of “mental health/addiction” seminars

Juul is the cash-flush e-cigarette company whose billions (invested by Marlboro's parent company) have allowed it to create a massive market of addicted children, wiping out decades of progress in weaning children off of nicotine.

Now, the FDA has demanded that Juul answer claims that the company sent marketing representatives to schools to ...

Study: first drug more likely to be cannabis than nicotine or alcohol

When I was 12 years old, a kid that I thought was my friend but turned out to only be into me for my Nintendo, tempted me to try a little something that he snuck out of his mother's liquor cabinet. We ingested it! We were so *****! We were full of ****: we'd been ...

Wonderful Advice With Regards To Giving Up Cigarettes

11.03.2009 · Posted in Health Articles

There are many individuals who smoke more than one pack of cigarettes a day. For those of you who don't know how many cigarettes are in a pack - the number is 20, and you get a 30 pack too. An array of individuals suppose that these people will never stop smoking, nevertheless there are ...

Can You Use A Premium Electronic Cigarette To Stop Smoking?

10.19.2009 · Posted in Health Articles

Asked recently to write about electronic cigarettes, I have to confess that I had never heard of such a thing. Some internet research later and I discovered that electronic cigarettes are very much a quickly growing concern. A Google search revealed there is no smoke without fire as almost six million results just for the ...

Quit Smoking Today With These Easy Steps!

10.09.2009 · Posted in Health Articles

All of us are aware of the fact that smoking is not good for health. Still we find it very difficult to quit this bad habit. If you are concerned about your health the best thing you could do is to give up smoking. Your health plays an important role in determining the quality of ...

Quit Smoking Today With These Easy Steps!

10.09.2009 · Posted in Health Articles

All of us are aware of the fact that smoking is not good for health. Still we find it very difficult to quit this bad habit. If you are concerned about your health the best thing you could do is to give up smoking. Your health plays an important role in determining the quality of ...

Begin A Healthy New Life: Quit Smoking Using Acupuncture

09.23.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

An effective treatment is stop smoking acupuncture to stop smoking. Quitting smoking can be very difficult as nicotine is highly addictive. Some individuals may find it very easy to stop smoking while others have tried again and again without any success. There are several different treatments that have been used and acupuncture is a treatment ...