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Posts Tagged ‘moms’

Government Scholarships Available For Mothers Thanks To Obama’s New Stimulus Plan

11.06.2009 · Posted in College Articles

If you are a single mom then every month you might have trouble making ends meet and paying all of your bills. Unfortunately, there never may seem a way to get ahead. Now, you may be able to change that be going to college and completing a degree program. Thanks to the government scholarships for ...

President Obama Devises A Scholarship Plan For Mothers Going Back To School

11.06.2009 · Posted in College Articles

Days are long gone when mothers only stayed at home just struggling for better survival and bringing-up children. In this modern age where economic recession has hit the world, the survival is not easy if mothers stay at home. As a matter of fact, they have to work to get the survival of their family ...

Obama Offers A Ray Of Hope To All Mothers Going Back To School With $10,000 In Scholarships!

11.06.2009 · Posted in College Articles

If you are in your middle years, have kids to look after, don't make enough money to fund your education, and don't get time to attend classes, maybe it's time for you to go back to school. Surprised Don't be, because this is what most other American mothers like you are doing these days. ...