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Posts Tagged ‘mileage’

Go Karts

05.20.2009 · Posted in Automotive Articles

Go -kart was initially introduced in the year 1956. It is a small four wheeled vehicle intended for racing. In the year 1958 an American company, Go Kart Manufacturing Co. established the first kart company. McCulloch the first kart engine manufacturer shortly followed in the year 1959. ...

Why Does Diesel Fuel Cost More Than Gasoline?

11.29.2008 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Originally designed in 1892 to be used in the compression ignition engine named after it's inventor Rudolf Diesel. Diesel Engines have the ability to run on a wide variety of fuels, such as diesel fuel and modified vegetable oil. The most commonly useddiesel fuel is refined from crude oil. This fuel is most widely used ...

Atlanta: Getting Great Used Cars

06.06.2008 · Posted in Miscellaneous Articles

Are you trying to find a reliable vehicle in Atlanta? Don't worry, because just like in other parts of the United States, there are actually many cars found in this state. Numerous cars and other vehicles are manufactured in Atlanta. This is why it's not surprising for Atlanta residents to want to sell their own ...

Atlanta: Getting Great Used Cars

06.06.2008 · Posted in Miscellaneous Articles

Are you trying to find a reliable vehicle in Atlanta? Don't worry, because just like in other parts of the United States, there are actually many cars found in this state. Numerous cars and other vehicles are manufactured in Atlanta. This is why it's not surprising for Atlanta residents to want to sell their own ...

High Gas Prices and Water for Gas: Legit or Scam?

06.05.2008 · Posted in Miscellaneous Articles

There's been a great deal of talk and speculation lately of how high gas prices are literally crippling the American public. It is evident that the middle class in this country is shrinking at a fairly rapid rate thanks to the devaluation of the dollar, unregulated "Big Oil" and OPEC. Many expert economists, along with ...

Is Water For Fuel Technology Dangerous For Your Car?

06.03.2008 · Posted in Miscellaneous Articles

To answer this question in short, it's very dangerous IF AND ONLY IF you don't use your intelligence! Hydrogen or any fuel system using hydrogen is not something to play with! I've actually heard of some people that have tried to ignite hydrogen for fun... YIKES! "But I just wanted to see if it would ...