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Posts Tagged ‘joints’

Study: first drug more likely to be cannabis than nicotine or alcohol

When I was 12 years old, a kid that I thought was my friend but turned out to only be into me for my Nintendo, tempted me to try a little something that he snuck out of his mother's liquor cabinet. We ingested it! We were so *****! We were full of ****: we'd been ...

Joint Pain Causes

01.16.2012 · Posted in Nutrition Articles

Joint pain is something which causes pain in the joints, gradually spreading to the bones and finally affecting the whole body, making mobility totally impossible and thus bringing one's routine activities too to a stand still. People who are suffering from joint pain may get a feeling that life is miserable, as they are deprived ...

11.05.2009 · Posted in Health Articles

Higher intake of vitamin D in winters can help people get rid of extra soreness and aches in their backs, say researchers. rnThe study showed that patients with chronic back pain usually had inadequate levels of vitamin D and when sufficient vitamin D supplementation was provided, the pain either vanished or was at least helped ...

11.05.2009 · Posted in Fatigue Articles

Marcus, who is the director of muscle pain research at the New York University School of Medicine said on "The Early Show," that people seek medical advice for back pain most than for anything else.rnAlso, the National Institutes of Health revealed that four out of five Americans would suffer from disabling back pain during their ...

Different Arthritis Gloves To Treat Muscle Arthritis

10.01.2009 · Posted in Health Articles

Muscle arthritis is a state of muscular pain in the body and can be divided into different types. The first type of muscular pain is called dermatomyositis. It is has symptoms of inflammation and pain in the muscles, which carries with it dry rash affecting skin. The rash is found generally on face, back, neck, ...

Signs And Cures Of Arthritis Leg Pain

10.01.2009 · Posted in Health Articles

Degenerative or metabolic arthroapthy is the root cause of arthritis leg pain. This type of leg pain happens in and around the joints of knees, ankles, hips and feet. The pain in the joints when being actively used is found in the person who suffers from degenerative joint pain conditions. While those having psoriatic joint ...

Remedies For Arthritis That Will Improve Your Life

09.29.2009 · Posted in Health Articles

Before health issues go out of control, one must go for remedial actions. This especially applies to the joint pain problems known as arthritis. Remedies for arthritis should be incorporated in your daily routine as soon as you start suffering from joint pain. And you should preferably choose therapies that are natural, as they will ...

Arthritis Cures ? How Safe Are They?

09.29.2009 · Posted in Health Articles

Since the types of arthritis or joints pain are many, arthritis cures are also different. The proper treatment of Arthritis very much depends on the correct diagnosis. The term used for joint pains becoming worst or reappearing with time is called flare. One should not wait for result of final diagnosis, as there are many ...