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Posts Tagged ‘gas prices’

Can Hybrid Cars Save The Fuel Crisis?

10.23.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

The recent rise in gasoline prices have given people more reason to look for alternative means of transportation. The rising cost of using gas may have motivated a lot of people to clamor for an alternative form of transportation that would help usher in an age where humans no longer have to depend a lot ...

Behavior To Save Some Green On Gas Over The Summer And Throughout The Year

10.07.2009 · Posted in Business News Article

There are many ways to cut your costs during the summer, especially if you plan on doing a lot (or any) driving. With gas prices going back up, traveling this summer may be looking more expensive than when you planned your trip. To cut a long story short, there are behaviors to save a bit ...

6 Ways To Improve Gas Mileage Right Now!

08.29.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

While we may not be seeing the over-four-dollar per gallon prices we saw last summer, the cost to fill up your tank isn't cheap. Most experts agree we won't be seeing prices below two dollars per gallon again. And there's a good chance the prices will continue rising. Here are some painless ways to keep ...

Use A Gas Rebate Credit Card for Best savings

04.24.2009 · Posted in Finance Articles

With the crunch that the economy is currently in, most businesses are looking for a way to bring customers in and keep them spending so they can stay alive. This is especially true for credit cards, who are struggling to stay alive with the credit crisis which is happening all over the world. In order ...

It’s Easy To Spend Less On Fuel With Gas Rebate Cards

04.23.2009 · Posted in Vehicles Articles

Do you want to save money each and every month? If your like most people the answer to that question is yes! Especially, with unemployment reaching a record high all throughout the world. Many people have found great savings by spending less on fuel with gas rebate cards. In fact, millions of people have started ...