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Posts Tagged ‘gas mileage’

How to get the Best Gas Mileage

09.26.2011 · Posted in Travel and Leisure

With the price of gas soaring we all need to look at ways to conserve energy and make our gas mileage consumption stretch. By implementing a few changes to our driving habits, and planning ahead we can see a marked decrease in our gas mileage. This means an immediate savings in our pockets, while ...

Improve Your Gas Mileage Today

09.26.2011 · Posted in Travel and Leisure

There is an ever increasing number of cars on the roads around the world (currently estimated to be over 600 million,) and all require gas fill ups. Most of the drivers of these vehicles are concerned about their gas mileage, and are constantly looking for improvements. Gas mileage savings start right at the beginning, before ...

Gas Mileage Costs

09.26.2011 · Posted in Travel and Leisure

Improving your gas mileage is extremely important, especially with fuel prices so high. There are some basic steps which can be taken in order to improve your fuel efficiency such as keeping your vehicle well maintained and carefully planning any trips. Below are some simple tips that will help you to achieve a much higher ...

6 Ways To Improve Gas Mileage Right Now!

08.29.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

While we may not be seeing the over-four-dollar per gallon prices we saw last summer, the cost to fill up your tank isn't cheap. Most experts agree we won't be seeing prices below two dollars per gallon again. And there's a good chance the prices will continue rising. Here are some painless ways to keep ...