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Posts Tagged ‘diy’

3D printer maker, Prusa Research, retools its factory to manufacture hand sanitizer

Today I got a message from my friend and former Make: colleague, Matt Stultz. Matt now works for Prusa Research, the award-winning Czech 3D printer company created by force-of-nature, Josef Prusa. Matt forwarded me this tweet from Josef:

#goodnews Did you know you can make your own sanitizing products eg. ...

Making your own hand sanitizer is a cinch

Since the latest coronavirus broke cover and started scaring the bejaysus out of everyone, you may have noticed that the supplies that folks think they’ll need in the event of a pandemic are becoming hard to find.

I'm paranoid about potential pandemics, but I come by it honestly enough.

In my old life, I worked in law ...

DIY electromechanical sequin clock inspired by the popular kids t-shirts

My daughter loves the flip sequin shirts that are all the rage for kids these days. Ekaggrat Singh Kalsi's daughter digs them too and she inspired his fantastic Sequino clock that "writes and rewrites" the time by flipping the sequins. Kalsi posted his build notes over at Hackaday.

Sequino: A Clock Which Rewrites Time Again ...

‘My hobby is designing and building unique arcade games from scratch.’

This is a really cool homebuilt arcade game project.

“My hobby is designing and building unique arcade games from scratch,” says IMGURian @builtbyblatt.

“This is The Blatt Box.”

This is Speed mode. You have 45 seconds to score as many points as possible by stopping two lights in circular motion when they meet at a ...

Interested in hand-lettering? Here’s a book for you

I love old paperbacks, especially their great hand-lettered titles. I grabbed a few from my shelf to show you what I mean:

Not many books feature hand-lettering, but there are still a number of people who keep the tradition alive. Ivan Castro, a graphic designer in Barcelona, Spain, is one such craftsman. He teaches lettering in ...

DIY method for transmitting audio in large spaces directly to people’s hearing aids

IEEE Spectrum's David Schneider participates in Quaker meetings where there are many elderly people who, even though they are wearing hearing aids, have a hard time catching comments from others around the room. One common solution to this problem is to provide headphones with FM receivers to pick up the sounds of the microphones. That ...

This suture practice kit would be a great birthday present

This suture practice kit, which lets you stitch rubber wounds, comes with training videos created by a board-certified surgeon. What a fun gift idea. You can buy them on Amazon.

This suture kit that allows you to practice stitches: from r/Damnthatsinteresting

Image: Reddit video screenshot Read the rest


Truck has 480,000 lumen light panel installed on it

RCtestflight on YouTube was dissastisfied with only being able to light up entire mountainsides from four kilometers away, so replaced the enormous array of LED lamps atop his truck with ones including parabolic reflectors.

I initially built a 4kW LED array using 40 100W emitters with 60 degree glass lenses, but the beam was a bit ...