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Posts Tagged ‘diy projects’

HackSpace magazine lowers its US print subscription price

In case you don't know, HackSpace is a terrific monthly maker magazine from the U.K. Published by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, HackSpace includes articles by bunnie huang, Andrew Lewis, Marc de Vinck, Sophy Wong, Bob Knetzger, and many other authors you many recognize from the pages of Make: magazine and other domains of the ...

Making your own utility knife in brass using common shop tools

In this video on Pask Makes, he fashions a really lovely utility knife out of brass using nothing more than common shop tools like a saw, drill, hacksaw, router, files, etc.

If you've ever made a tool yourself, you know what an inspired object that tool can become in your shop. Imagine making and gifting one ...

Explaining Solar Power

03.03.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Before you begin your project to make energy with solar power, you need to be acquainted with the fundamentals of how it works. It takes a long time for heat from the sunshine to get to the earth. The heat from the sun will be scattered evenly over the earth's facade where the sun ...