Choosing An Oil Painting Subject
The following considers some of the factors which beginners in oil painting might wish to consider before commencing a painting. It looks at one ...
The following considers some of the factors which beginners in oil painting might wish to consider before commencing a painting. It looks at one ...
3 Reasons Why Traditional Goal Setting Doesn’t and Will Never Work. how to achieve more goals by setting them correctly and by working with - not against yourself in the process! ...
What job is among the most difficult in today's world? Teaching. Tasks such as classroom management, administrative tasks, discipline, bus duties, social needs of children, lunch counts, endless reports, and even repairs and maintenance of the classroom fill a teacher's day. Faced with so many tasks, teachers often wonder, "When will I find time to ...
My job is to deal with extreme, challenging behaviour and children at risk of permanent exclusion from school. These kids are extremely challenging and their behaviour appalling. They're physical and verbal - violent in other words. Their language and the way they treat everyone is totally unacceptable. Screaming, kicking and biting is the norm. ...
High stakes testing has created a great amount of pressure on teachers as they account for student progress. These end of course tests are often given well before the school year ends. With early testing teachers find it even more difficult to cover required curriculum before "the test" is given. When discipline problems interfere with ...
The children I successfully teach every day are so violent, aggressive and out of conrol in their mainstream schools that they are all under threat of permanent exclusion. Their physical and verbal violence puts adults and other children in danger of injury. These children use the most disgusting and foul language. At the slightest excuse ...
So you're a teacher and insane, eh? Insulting or what? .... Well yes, actually you are..... mad as mad can be - insane, deranged. So what am I talking about? ...
Communicating with our children can be a difficult task at times. We feel like they're not listening to us; they feel like we're not listening to them. Good listening and communications skills are essential to successful parenting. Your child's feelings, views and opinions have worth, and you should make sure you take ...
As most of you already know, there are probably a 101 reasons why people procrastinate. Since there are so many reasons why one might procrastinate, how does someone know their reason for procrastinating? I am here to help you find out. ...
For Records Management Consultants and our IT counterparts, the preservation of, and access to information is our common cause. ...