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Posts Tagged ‘cool’

‘My hobby is designing and building unique arcade games from scratch.’

This is a really cool homebuilt arcade game project.

“My hobby is designing and building unique arcade games from scratch,” says IMGURian @builtbyblatt.

“This is The Blatt Box.”

This is Speed mode. You have 45 seconds to score as many points as possible by stopping two lights in circular motion when they meet at a ...

Adam Savage builds a steampunk rickshaw to be pulled by a Boston Dynamics robot

The fine folks at Boston Dynamics, busy building our future robotic overlords, have loaned Adam Savage a Spot robot for the Tested team to play with.

For his first project, Adam built a gorgeous steampunk/Victorian rickshaw for Spot to pull. The results are glorious.

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Albert Einstein’s funny face is on the world’s smallest gold coin

In Switzerland, the state-owned Swissmint says today that a 2.96-millimeter (0.12-inches) gold coin created with Albert Einstein's face on it is the smallest in the world.

The coin, shown above, weighs 0.063 grams (1/500th of an ounce) and has a nominal value of 1/4 Swiss francs ($0.26).

From the Associated Press:

Swissmint said the coin, of ...

This firm gave $10 million in holiday bonus cash to 198 employees

I have but one question. Are they hiring? Sounds like a great place to work.

In Baltimore, a commercial real estate developer is distributing a total of $10 million in holiday bonuses to a total of 198 employees.

On Monday, WTOP TV news in Baltimore reported that St. John Properties was announcing the bonuses at ...

Listen to the sound of one ***** falling into a turbine engine

This is super neat.

It was originally uploaded in 2010, but became newly viral again this week and the source is so much better than the crapped-out clip that went meme.

Enjoy, unmute, turn up the volume.

From the original video description by AgentJayZ on YouTube:

Rare opportunity to demonstrate a sound that no turbine tech wants to ...

This rebar-tying video is weirdly calming

I'm not an engineer, but I can't stop watching this hypnotic and oddly satisfying video of tying rebar.

From World of Engineering.

The tool in the video is identified as the Makita XRT01TK 18V LXT Lithium-Ion Brushless Cordless Rebar Tying Tool Kit (5.0Ah).

You know, for all your rebar-tying needs at home. Or to calm you ...