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What is Artificial Intelligence and Why It is Important- Zoefact

03.04.2021 · Posted in Technology Articles

In engineering, AI (AI), generally referred to as machine intelligence, is intelligence incontestable by machines, in distinction to the natural intelligence displayed by humans. Conversationally, the term “artificial intelligence” is usually accustomed describe machines (or computers) that mimic “cognitive” functions that humans come with the human mind, like “learning” and “problem solving”. As machines become ...

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Watch the Cookie Monster’s first appearance, in a 1967 IBM training film

Jim Henson's "The Coffee Break Machine" (1967), a skit in an IBM training film, was the first appearance of a proto-Cookie Monster, then green, who evolved from a puppet named the Wheel-Stealer. (A slightly different version of the clip appeared on the Ed Sullivan show that same year.) From the Muppet Wiki:

A proto-Cookie Monster ...

Visualizing the evolution of the Nvidia GPU (VIDEO)

This is a simple but wonderful little original video that shows each incarnation of the Nvidia GPU, from 1995 to 2019.

The company's GPUs, or graphics processing units, are iconic for gamers because they enabled new kinds of visually rich video games.

Nvidia GPU evolution (OC)

[IMGUR, created by IMGURian @PETTYOFFICER117, photo: NVIDIA ...

How Susan Kare applied embroidery skills to create the iconic Macintosh icons

In the early 1980s, Susan Kare joined Apple Computer to design fonts and user interface graphics. A legend of pixel art, Kare created the look of the original Macintosh, from the Chicago typeface to the Trash Can to the Happy Mac icon. She's currently creative director at Pinterest. David Kindy profiles Kare in

IBM unveils new 53-qubit quantum computer

The largest universal quantum computer available for external use will delivered in October 2019, IBM announced today.

Its latest 53-qubit quantum computer will be available to clients of its IBM Q Network.

Will it run Minecraft, though?

The big machine boi will be housed in Poughkeepsie, NY.

The new machine will be part of IBM’s new Quantum ...

Trailer for new documentary series about Bill Gates

Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates is a new three-part documentary that premieres on November 20. It's directed by Davis Guggenheim who produced An Inconvenient Truth and directed Waiting for Superman.

"When I thought about topics to cover, I knew I didn’t want to make a promotional piece about his work," Guggenheim said. "Instead, ...