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Posts Tagged ‘communication’

Personalizing AI Chats: How to Customize DreamsChat and ChatGPT for Your Business

06.21.2023 · Posted in Software Articles

Introduction: In the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses are continuously exploring inventive strategies to amplify customer engagement and deliver tailor-made experiences. With the continuous advancement of technology, AI-powered chat applications such as DreamsChat and ChatGPT have emerged as transformative tools, empowering businesses to provide unparalleled customer service and propel revenue growth. In this post, we’ll look ...

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How to speak chimpanzee

Evolutionary psychologist Katja Liebal literally wrote the book on Primate Communication. A professor of developmental psychology at the Freie Universität Berlin, Liebal's research focuses "on the cognitive and communicative skills that might be uniquely human and those shared with other primate species." According to BBC Earth, Liebal observes chimps in "hopes to compile ...

Sri Lanka blocks social media sites after deadly explosions

The government of Sri Lanka has temporarily blocked access to several social media services following deadly explosions that ripped through the country, killing at least 207 people and injuring hundreds more. Eight bombings were reported, including during Easter services at three churches, on the holiest weekend of the Christian calendar. In a brief statement, the ...

In its first cyberoperation against Russian trolls, U.S. takes a gentle approach

Russia has been blamed for shutting down power grids, hacking into critical systems, and more recently launching a massive misinformation campaign aimed at meddling with past and upcoming elections. Now, the U.S. is striking back ahead of the midterm elections in an unconventionally gentle way. U.S. Cyber Command, the military wing tasked with offensive cyberoperations, ...

Civil, the blockchain journalism startup, has partnered with one of the oldest names in media

Civil, the two-year-old crypto startup that wants to save the journalism industry by leveraging the blockchain and cryptoeconomics, has partnered with the 172-year-old Associated Press to help the wire service stop bad actors from stealing its content. Civil, using its blockchain-enabled licensing mechanism, which is still in development, will help the AP track where its ...

Environmental Issue Surveys: What Are They Telling Us?

04.27.2010 · Posted in Manufacturing Articles

Recent environmental issue surveys find that Americans now believe that stimulating the economy is more important than protecting the environment -- and yet other polls find that Americans reject the premise of these questions altogether. Are Americans losing their appetite for nature protection and pollution control? Or are sloppy poll questions creating a misleading impression? ...