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Posts Tagged ‘car repair’

Big Repair Bills – A Huge Dent In Your Bank Account

07.04.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

A little scratch: $1500. A wear out device replacement: $3500. A fresh trunk-release switch cover: $150. All these are genuine repair costs related to AOL Autos since drivers took their vehicles to the auto shops with apparently small problems that resulted in excessively expensive repair bills. Not all motorists can choose to repair his vehicle ...

How To Spray Paint Your Car Like Professional Workshops

06.30.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

When you are spray painting, don't be timid. You can bet you are going to get some runs if you don't wet the panel adequately. This will result to a dry look with a lot of pitting pattern. If the run happens to be during the clear coat application, you can usually repair that once ...

Determining the Perfect Engine Oil for Your Application

06.30.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Many people don't realize that each oil is unique and that there truly is a difference in quality and performance between each different oil. They do NOT all offer the same benefits and drawbacks to the consumer. Once an individual finally realizes that there IS a difference, they often begin a motor oil ...

The Beginners Guide To Complete Car Spray Painting

06.26.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Once you have mastered the basics of your spray guns, you must become adept at adjusting the spray pattern through the fluid flow. Many of the guns have built in air micrometers, which allow variation in the pressure settings. If your particular gun does not have this then you can use a separate air micrometer. ...

Spray Painting Your Car – Paint Primers and Paint System

06.25.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Novices that're entering into painting a car for the very first time, don't realize that there're various primers and paint systems available. There are choices that have to be made as to which ones to go with. It must also be realized that some of these systems could be chemically volatile, and must be utilised ...

3 Facts Of Car Spray Painting Using Aerosol Spray Paints

06.24.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

So you just finished putting that first coat of paint on that car that you have been mending and it looks good. You didnt realize that you had to the talent to spray paint a car. The only problem is you have run out of time and cant get the second coat on. Well that's ...

How Do I Repair My Car Bodywork and Paint After An Accident?

06.24.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Torque spec comes into play after a fastener has been chosen. Bolt torquing is very important. When you thread and tighten a bolt the melt stretches a little, but the metal doesn?t want to be stretched so it resists the stretches and this is where you get the holding power from. This is why when ...