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Posts Tagged ‘car repair’

Exploring Different Types Of Sporadic Engine Problems

09.17.2009 · Posted in Vehicles Articles

If a component fails, it's relatively simple to locate the problem and fix or replace the part. If the problem happens sporadically, it's far more difficult to do so. Sometimes, the issue only happens under specific driving conditions, and even then, it may not occur every time those conditions are met. In other cases, the ...

Understanding Your Car’s Traction Control

09.10.2009 · Posted in Vehicles Articles

Even as car manufacturers strive to make their engines more powerful and fuel-efficient, they have also devoted enormous resources to making their vehicles safer. Popular review sources consider driver safety a priority. Those vehicles which include the latest technology to safeguard drivers, their passengers, and other motorists often score well. One of the areas in ...

Your Muffler: The Key To Quieting A Noisy Vehicle

08.25.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

If your vehicle is loud enough to jolt people several streets away, your muffler may need to be replaced. It is a sophisticated part of your car's exhaust system that is often misunderstood by motorists. Most people think this component's job is limited to reducing the noise level made by the engine. However, its responsibilities ...

Where Did The Honda Engine Originate?

08.22.2009 · Posted in Vehicles Articles

The Honda Company has a history of producing quality cars, motorcycles, scooters, trucks, robots, jets and jet engines, ATVs, water craft, and many other important technologies. One interesting historical feature of the Honda Company is the origination of the Honda engine. Honda is the largest engine manufacturer in the world, with more than 14 million ...

Discover All About Primers and Paint System For Car Spray Painting

07.17.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Novices that are entering into painting a car for the very first time, dont realise that there are various primers and paint systems available. There're choices that've to be make as to which ones to go with. It must also be realised that several of these systems could be chemically volatile, and must be utilised ...

Professional Custom Paint Designs on Cars – Automotive Spray Painting

07.12.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

It gets pretty boring when you are driving down the expressway and you see all the identical colors of vehicles. Sure they're different makes and styles, but color wise they are totally the same and dull. And then every once in a while some thing really dynamic stops beside you. It's one of those cars ...