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Posts Tagged ‘Area Rugs’

How Area Rugs Are Made

11.12.2011 · Posted in Interior Design Articles

Many people think area rugs are just a piece of floor covering where people step on. However, there are more to area rugs that you must find out - such as how people create them and how it is being treated as an art form. Most rugs are created using machines that are controlled by ...

Save Money While Shopping For Traditional Area Rugs

09.27.2011 · Posted in Interior Design Articles

Traditional area rugs are commonly used to enhance the look of the home. They are also used to protect the floors of the house to make them last longer, especially for the wood floor. Usually, traditional area rugs are not cheap. However, you do not have to spend all your money for a traditional area ...

Factors to Consider When Shopping For an Area Rug

08.27.2011 · Posted in Interior Design Articles

There are many options available when people shop for a great area rug. You will have to make lots of decisions, however, it is not easy to make the right decisions if you are not familar with area rug. Some of the factors that need to be considered carefully when shopping for an area rug ...

Recommendations for Purchasing Contemporary Area Rug

08.19.2011 · Posted in Interior Design Articles

Everybody knows that contemporary area rugs can be used to decorate the floors beautifully. You can find contemporary area rugs in many places, both online and offline. They are available in different shapes, sizes, colors and designs allowing us to pick the ones that you like most. ...