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Office cleaning Milan –Pulizia uffici a Milano

Why rely on Ital Cleaning

Professionalism, experience and personalized services are the key principles within which the IMPRESA DI PULIZIE DI MILANO Ital cleaning has developed. A company that has been in the cleaning and sanitizing industry for over 25 years. During which, in addition to having become the leading IMPRESA DI PULIZIE of the Lombard capital, it has also developed a working method that aims to satisfy all the requests made by customers, ranging from private citizens, to owners of craft companies or industries, residents in condominiums or owners of restaurants and kitchens. Ital cleaning, forwarding and, also deals with disinfestations from animals and insects of any environment.

A IMPRESA DI PULIZIE DI MILANO as an ideal working partner

Trusted staff, industry certifications, state-of-the-art equipment, technological innovation and technological products. All this is this IMPRESA DI PULIZIE that, with constancy and dedication to cleaning and SANIFICAZIONE DI UFFICI, has conquered an audience of customers in Milan and its province, there consecrating it the leading company in this sector thanks to the competencies acquired. Founded in 1997, it has always focused on transparency, flexibility, punctuality and sustainability of products. She is one of the ideal partners among the IMPRESE DI PULIZIE MILANO to manage home or work environments that must remain clean and clean, as well as sanitized.


To become one of the most important multi-service companies in one of the beating hearts of northern Italy, the ITAL CLEANING IMPRESA DI PULIZIE has given itself a mission. A mission that is fully shared by all the staff: each of their employees who cross the threshold from the home of a customer or a company or an office, has been rigorously selected, carefully trained and has been working with Ital cleaning for years. In short, a system to give itself an internal identity that is then reflected on every single intervention of PULIZIA UFFICI MILANO or SANIFICAZIONE UFFICI.

Much more than a IMPRESA DI PULIZIE

Ital cleaning deals with the classic cleaning of work environments that range from washing floors, fixtures, glass and bathrooms, to extraordinary cleaning, for example after construction sites. Among its services there are also specific treatments to stoneware floors, ceramics, wood, terracotta and marble, industrial flooring in cement to and quartz. But Ital cleaning is also a IMPRESA DI PULIZIE MILANO that is able to manage the maintenance of the office, with a frequency of interventions that are tailored to the customer: daily, weekly, monthly or seasonal. “No llvoro is too big or too small for Ital cleaning,” they explain on their website.

To all this is added the part of sanitization that is totally to be distinguished from pure cleaning which simply deals with removing dirt such as grease, liquid, dust and organic material. Sanitization, on the other hand, is an operation aimed at eliminating any bacteria at the base and reducing the viral load of an environment, therefore disinfection, things that common cleaning cannot do.

To sanitize an environment, in fact, like the specific IMPRESA DI PULIZIE, it means using specific detergent and sanitizing chemicals, so as to bring the microbial load back within optimal hygiene standards. And therefore, for example, the SANIFICAZIONE DI UFFICI is distingue, and is always preceded, by the PULIZIE UFFICI. But what can ital cleaning staff sanitize? It starts from the desks, desks and individual work areas inside the offices. The SANIFICAZIONE DI UFFICI is done with the mobilization of a disinfectant chemical rodotto. This service also includes telephones, keyboards, mice, screens, printers, electronic and fax boards, air conditioning splits, meeting rooms, break areas, bathrooms, and attest rooms.

The dis-infestations you expected

Against pigeons, ant colonies, bedbugs, and especially mosquitoes and rats, there is still Ital cleaning. Freeing a work environment from unpleasant insects or animals is even more important than SANIFICARE UN UFFICIO, a home or a factory. This IMPRESA DI PULIZIE has undertaken the profession of dis-infestations in parallel with the other services, so for over 25 years. It also frees you from fleas, processionaries, flies, moths and cockroaches. All threats, if not controlled, that could become a problem for your health or damage the image of your company. Also in this case Ital cleaning makes use of ecological and innovative products.

A method (in five steps) that starts from you

Your request (the first step) is carefully listened to and the Ital cleaning staff takes care of your need quickly. Subsequently, to give way to the IMPRESA DI PULIZIE MILANO, to approach the problem well asks for other details to investigate the problem, providing the first information to the customer (second step). Here we come to the inspection phase, by a trusted representative, who evaluates the case and the products that are necessary for the intervention: from all this comes the estimate (third step). We move on to the concrete: Ital cleaning carries out the cleaning, sanitizing or dis-infestations service, within the times agreed with the customer, and respecting all the cornerstones previously mentioned (fourth step). Finally, the final phase is the evaluation of customer satisfaction, which is contacted: an aspect that for the Milanese IMPRESA DI PULIZIE is fundamental.

Where are the offices and how to contact Ital Cleaning

The offices of Ital cleaning are located in Milan, in via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 28 / A. You can request a quote from them either by phone (at the number below) or by filling out the form you find on their online site. Alternatively you can also write to the email address [email protected] any contact you choose to use for the services of this IMPRESA DI PULIZIE DI MILANO you will find on the other side a friendly staff available to every need.

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