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Keep On Driving Past The Service Station, You Have A DIY Hydrogen Generator

08.05.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

The high cost of fuel is a concern to everyone today. In addition the pollution caused by our gasoline vehicles should also concern each of us. What if you could take the same vehicle you have today and double the gas mileage for that same car? Well, for less money than it takes to fuel the average SUV, you can build your own DIY hydrogen generator.nnWhile there has been much work in the are of hybrid technology in the past few years, most of the research has focused on storing extra energy in batteries. We are still unsure of the length of time those batteries will last and know that the will be very expensive to replace. Instead of using batteries, the DIY hydrogen generator stores energy as hydrogen and hydrogen oxide gasses.nnHydrogen and hydrogen and hydrogen are both very reactive gasses. They would prefer to burn and be transformed back into water. Therefore, when these gases are mixed with gasoline, they increase the power rating of the fuel. They give your car more power and noxious emissions. As a matter of fact, the only emissions from burning hydrogen or hydrogen oxide is water. Since there is no carbon in these two fuels, there is no carbon monoxide produced by them. Since your vehicle cannot be powered on these two fuels alone, but must still rely on gasoline, there will be some carbon monoxide produced, but less than if the car was running on gasoline alone.nnThere are many DIY hydrogen generator kits available on the internet. You can also find and print out your own instructions to build the hydrogen generator. Most parts are available at your local hardware store and include such items as wide mouth canning jars, plastic jar lid (read mayonnaise lid), vacuum tubing and other simple parts. All told, you will spend less than sixty-five dollars to build the DIY hydrogen generator.nnWhy should you build a DIY hydrogen generator? First it will save you money. Purchased prepared, these devices can cost up to 1000 dollars. Even that is a bargain because of the money saved on fuel. The DIY hydrogen generator will save you money over purchasing a hydrogen generator and will save you money at the pump.nnAdditionally, a DIY hydrogen generator decreases the emission gases from your vehicle. This technology could help clean the air for future generations.nnThirdly, engines equipped with a DIY hydrogen generator last longer than those that do not have the generator.

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