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Hydrogen Fuel Car Kit – How To Build A Hydrogen Fuel Kit For Car

08.05.2008 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Hydrogen fuel car kit is the latest “toy” all drivers are after. The reason is simple. Gas prices have hit past $4 per gallon in many states and worldwide. It becomes imperative for drivers to be looking for creative ways to save on gasoline.rnrnWhile searching online to find out all the details I could about using hydrogen fuel as an alternative source, I chanced upon many literature talking about creating a generator to break down water into HHO, a variant of hydrogen or Brown’s Gas. This gas is able to help gasoline burn more completely.rnrnWith improved combustion, we will see an improved engine performance. The gas mileage will increase. Our engines will become cleaner with lesser unburned carbon residual. The noise level and gas emission will drop as well. Did I mention that the engine will also last longer?rnrnNaturally, drivers will love this. Against the backdrop of a weak economy and rising oil and gas prices, a hydrogen fuel car kit is a ***-send. As a driver myself, to be able to increase my gas mileage MPG by over 50% and cutting my monthly fuel expenses by at least 30% is thrilling.rnrnIn my search online, I discovered at least a dozen methods to build the fuel kit. I decided to check each of them out, of course with some driver friends as well. There are ready kits sold in the market as well as DIY conversion guides that show you how to build a DIY hydrogen fuel kit for car.rnrnTogether with a few close friends, we tested out the ready-assembled and DIY hydrogen fuel car kit. It did not take us too long, roughly less than 4 hours to build a complete kit at my garage. The ready-assembled ones were expensive, and we only bought one for $1200.rnrnAfter all, our alternative fuel generator was assembled for about $108.30 using off the shelf fittings from the hardware store. And I love the fact that I do not have to fiddle with the engine. Once the system is ready, all I needed to do is to fit it to the carburetor via a tubing.rnrnThat was a few months ago. Today, I am able to join thousands of other drivers using the exact car kits to power our vehicles using hydrogen. We are able to enjoy fuel savings of at least $100 monthly on average, protect the environment by driving an environmentally-friendly car and improving our gas mileage using a hydrogen fuel car kit.

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