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Best Toys For Children

10.26.2009 · Posted in Home and Garden Articles

Every child likes to play a lot and furthermore it is a very important educational element in the childhood to play. Even animals do that and research has shown that the importance of playing must not be neglected. But it is also very important which toys we choose. Some toys might be a valuable teaching element in the childhood, others might just entertain our children, but do not teach them anything they might need for their later life. And even if one equipment that one should let the offsprings just have fun since they will be adults soon enough, it will definitely also help them if one observes them to some natural extend.nnAll this is the field of research I am into, but in this article I will mainly focus on dolls as typical toy for our children and all the extras like buggies (German: Puppenwagen) for them. The concept of a buggy was developed in Germany to some extend and Germany is one of the countries with the biggest percentage of children having Puppenwagen. Thus in this article I try to summarize the German idea why your children should get a Puppenwagen.nnSome people might say that one should not spend to much for the care for the dolls. The amount of money you have to pay for a beautiful doll is quite a lot anyway, so why should one invest more in extra things for the dolls. A lot of parents will accepts their children playing with dolls, but not understand the idea of treating the dolls almost like real humans and buying extra things for them.nnThus children learn that if you have a puppet or child it is not only about that. It is also about many other stuff the puppet needs like any other real human being also needs many other utensils. You should not be too scared that you child will also ask for many more stuff. important in a puppet’s life. Children will still understand the difference between a puppet and a real child. And if they ask you to buy more equipment for their puppets you might explain that puppets do not need that many things. But encourage them to buy this later for their real children.nnMore than 50 percent of the offsprings want to have more extra things for their dolls. This shows that they do not want something directly for themselves but for something they just look after. If one thinks about this idea it is a very important step in the development of a child. And this step should maybe be supported. There is maybe no need of buying a Puppenwagen but in general one must be aware of the fact that this developmental step of our offsprings is important and has to be supported in some way.

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