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Airbnb’s new ‘Luxe’ service will rent you a home for $1 million a week

06.25.2019 · Posted in Technology Articles
Airbnb just launched a new service called Airbnb Luxe that's offering a week on a French Polynesian "private atoll," complete with a 21-bedroom mansion and 50 staff, for $1 million.  Not only will Airbnb rent you an extraordinarily fancy property, it'll also set you up with a "dedicated trip designer" who will coordinate everything, including excursions and activities, to really help you pick up on the authentic local flavor.  Basically, Airbnb is bringing back travel agents for people who can afford to drop stacks of cash to stay in a French castle. It somewhat oxymoronically describes the service as "a new luxury experience that makes personal and bespoke travel more accessible to everyone." Everyone, who? Read more... More about Airbnb, Vacation, Rentals, Wealth Inequality, and Tech

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