About Us
The ARTICLE Trunk accepts and promotes articles on any subject that is acceptable as defined in our Submission Guidelines. Our site promotes information and tools dedicated to the success of small businesses.
Writer/Authors – Increase your visibility and recognition by submitting your unique articles today. If you have a website, you will naturally increase your backlinks with every article you submit to The ARTICLE Trunk.
When your article is used, the publisher is required to include your resource box in its entirety, without making any changes.
Review our Submission Guidelines, Terms of Service and then sign-up for a free account. By submitting ten articles, you will be recognized as an “expert author” and receive recognition on The ARTICLE Trunk. Create your articles on your computer and sign-in to submit them. This will give you proper time to create and edit your articles and also provides you with a backup source.
Publishers – Writing new articles is time consuming when you have a business to run. Our articles are perfect for inclusion in your newsletter or on your web site. Our writers have given us their permission for you to use their article(s) when our Terms of Service are followed.
You must include the article title, body and entire resource box, including the source of the article, The ARTICLE Trunk. Any links included in the article must be active when used by use.